The Odyssey

How To: Quickly Fold Your Clothes

Yi Xie

Well well. It looks like that shirt of yours got all wrinkled again and there isn’t an iron within a 10 mile radius. What are you going to do to prepare for that big meeting with that big boss in that big company? You could try steaming it with shower on but that should be a last resort. How about folding your shirts right so they arrive with you creased and clean to begin with! You know what they say “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” or in this case, gallons of water.

Great video on how to fold suits and shirts. Pay close attention to the bag part. It works for any clothes, not just suits. It is perfect for travel for all your international flings.

And of course for fun, this method makes your t-shirt folds so easy that it’s silly.

Just in case you can’t access YouTube at work because you were banned from watching too many cat videos (like we did), here is a nice animated image of the technique.

Nuggetize Me - How To Fold A Shirt Technique

What if you want to create some form of wizardry-contraption to fold your clothes. Fear not Sheldon Cooper of real life, in this video a guy creates a t-shirt folder out of cardboard. And it’s actually useful! If you need cardboard, just walk down the street and take the bum’s sign.

Have you ever bought a dress shirt, you know, the ones folded up neatly with the pins that stab your thumb every time. You unravel it only to realize you hate the shirt because it doesn’t match with your baller LA Lights sneakers you got for Christmas from grandma? Then you try to re-assemble it back, only to realize the following…

Nuggetize Me - Folding Shirt - I Don't Know What I'm Doing

It looks like a disaster; as if someone took out the dress shirt, used it as a jump rope and stuffed it back in a bag. The following guide shows you step by step how to fold dress shirts, so next time you return that mangled-up dress shirt you tried on, you don’t make life a living hell for the college student/part-time employee whom has to refold your monstrosities.

We do not discriminate. If you’re more of a shirt-taker-off’er than a shirt-folder, here is an interesting method of doing that quickly.

Hopefully by now, you are a pro-folder! Next time you can flex you shirt-folding-guns and impress those employees at your local H&M.